1·Other critics make a more subtle point.
2·It's a subtle point, it's a good question.
3·That it permitted the population to expand its range as well is a more subtle point.
4·Mrs Clinton also made the more subtle point that America's support for Georgia is not based on personalities.
5·The subtle point that there IS someone 'in charge' can be transformed into a positive hope for the planet.
6·But there's a subtle point that's being missed in all the heat and noise: the impact of patents on the advancement of 3d-printing technologies is not monolithic.
7·One subtle point to keep in mind: Long-running asynchronous processes that use dynamic assembly will keep a context in the context cache for as long as the process takes to complete.
8·The headlong push into bachelor's degrees for all, and the subtle devaluing of anything less, misses an important point: That's not the only thing the American economy needs.
9·But the headlong push into bachelor's degrees for all, and the subtle devaluing of anything less, misses an important point: That's not the only thing the American economy needs.
10·At this point, however, they're trying to kill the public option in more subtle ways.